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Mission & Profile

The mission of MicroCFD is to bring affordable aerodynamic flow simulations to the desktop computers of engineers, students, and hobbyists, while providing an educational experience. An ergonomically designed software interface, combined with narrated video tutorials, should enable even the most inexperienced user to setup and run a flow simulation in a matter of minutes.

Axel Rohde is the founder and owner of MicroCFD. He has a doctorate degree (PhD) in aerospace engineering from the Florida Institute of Technology and 10 years of teaching and research experience at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Dr. Rohde has taught courses in aircraft design, aircraft engine design, spacecraft dynamics and control, and many courses in the basic engineering sciences.


SELECTED PUBLICATIONS   (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)

1.  "A Computational Study of Flow around a Rotating Disc in Flight"
      Dissertation in Aerospace Engineering, Axel Rohde, PhD, 2000.
      (169 pages)   PDF  (3860 kB)
2.  "Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Euler Equations in General Geometries"
      AIAA Paper 2001-2609, Axel Rohde, 2001.
      (6 pages)   PDF   (145 kB)
3.  "Direct Simulation of Sound Generated by Viscous Flow Over a Cylinder Using a TVD Method"
      AIAA Paper 2003-3239, Axel Rohde, Vladimir Golubev, Claire Lessiau, 2003.
      (9 pages)   PDF   (2088 kB)
4.  "Application of Space-Time Mapping Analysis Method to Unsteady Nonlinear Gust-Airfoil Interaction Problem"
      AIAA Paper 2003-3693, Vladimir Golubev, Axel Rohde, 2003.
      (11 pages)   PDF   (3911 kB)
5.  "Numerical Investigation of the Evolution of Vortex Instability in a 2-D Compressible Flow over a Cylinder"
      AIAA Paper 2011-3550, Axel Rohde, 2011.
      (12 pages)   PDF   (562 kB)
6.  "A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a High-Pressure Photo-Emission Gas Spectrometer"
      AIAA Paper 2011-3551, Axel Rohde, Yongho Lee, 2011.
      (10 pages)   PDF   (503 kB)